Why I blog? What’s the difference between a good tester and a great tester? I think the main thing is the ability to think for yourself and to be able to incorporate your experiences as a tester back into the context of your testing practices. I think that if you look at the software testing community and pay attention to who has good ideas and who does not, you’ll find that the vast majority of people with good ideas emphasize their experience, what they have learned from it, and how they incorporate that back into their testing. Writing about my thoughts and experiences in software testing provides an opportunity for me to take a critical look at what I thought about a subject, assess it in the context of experience and information gained since I first came to think that way, and then update or reaffirm my thoughts on the subject. It also allows me to share my thoughts, experiences, successes and failures with others, creating an additional feedback loop. That, to me, is ...
My thoughts about, and endeavors in, software testing and development.